Objective Testing for AOMSI and TBI


Objective Testing for AOMSI (Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity) and TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

Evident Health is committed to testing for AOMSI and TBI injuries that may be undiagnosed or misdiagnosed following a personal injury. Our state-of-the-art instruments provide objective, sensitive, quantitative results of injuries often missed by a traditional X-Ray, CT (computed Tomography) or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Benefits of Testing:

1. Objectively diagnoses the exact injury.

2. Optimizes the care and treatment for the patient.

3. Provides objective evidence of the extent of the injury following AMA guidelines.

What is AOMSI

AOMSI (Alteration of Motion Segment Integrity) can be either loss of motion segment integrity (increased translational or angular motion, usually due to ligamentous injury) or decreased motion secondary to developmental fusion, fracture healing, healed infection, or surgical arthrodesis. It is one of the most severe injury categories of Personal Injury. Diagnosis requires special medical software that is within 0.01 mm and 0.01 degrees of accuracy in detecting its presence.

Testing for AOMSI is performed by VMA (Vertebral Motion Analysis)

What the news is saying about this technology:

“Having this type of technology is very impressive.”

Brett Favre

Hall of Fame Quarterback

“The first time we can really see the spine move… its’s the technology of the future”

Dr. Nancy Snyderman
TODAY Show & NBC Chief Medical Editor

What attorneys are saying about this technology:

Attorney Paul Samakow talking PI

Why are objective findings of a patient’s injuries so important in PI Cases? Answer – Objective findings are the Gold of Evidence. Injuries cannot be disputed. The inquiry with insurers is not whether the injury exists or caused by the accident, but what is the Value. This is Huge and often makes negotiations easier. 

  1. Are their certain injuries that you see getting overlooked or undiagnosed that can benefit from being objectively documented? Answer – Traumatic Brain Injuries are often overlooked, even by experienced physicians, as “only headaches” 

  2. When Carriers see objective evidence of injuries how does that change for you and the case outcome? Answer – It makes it more difficult for carriers to contest the injuries, and then, there really is one issue to negotiate – Case Value. 

  3. If attorneys like yourself could find providers that were able to do that consistently, I would imagine you and other attorneys would probably gravitate towards them as a resource? Answer - Absolutely ... We are concerned about our clients' well-being, and that includes getting maximum compensation for them -- these tests will provide objective evidence of  these injuries and increase the value of claims significantly.

“I will thank you for capturing medical evidence before it disappears” PI Attorney - Atlanta, GA

“Big cases start with quality objective findings” PI Attorney - Phoenix, AZ

“If it’s not in the records, documented correctly and worked-up appropriately by providers, we can’t use it in our demand” PI Attorney - New Orleans, LA

What is a TBI?

Traumatic Brain Injury is a head injury causing damage to the brain by an external force or mechanism. It causes long term complications or even death.

-Traumatic Brain Injury, especially mild TBI, is the most missed condition in Personal Injury cases.

- Approximately 40 - 80% of Personal Injury cases have TBI signs and symptoms.

- There are approximately 61,000 deaths annually from TBI. CDC

- There are approximately 2.5 million TBI’s treated annually. CDC

Current Testing for TBI

Computed Tomography (CT) and Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are established modalities to diagnose TBI, however, studies show they are insensitive to subtle changes in the brain and cannot detect mild TBI.

How we test for TBI

  • Eye Movement Testing

    Your eyes are the window to our brain.

  • Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG)

    QEEG is a modern type of electroencephalography analysis that involves recording digital EEG signals that are then processed, transformed, and analyzed using complex mathematical algorithms. When used in conjunction with other diagnostic evaluations, QEEG provides objective information necessary for obtaining a precise diagnosis, correct disease severity assessment, and an optimal treatment response. This test is: comfortable for the patient, leaves no residue, uses soft tip electrodes and soft support pads and gentle on the skin.

Why Eye Movement Testing

The current methods for detecting TBI are inconsistent.

Eye tracking tests are a useful, precise and objective measure of underlying neurology that indicates presence of TBI.

The difference is clear

Moderate TBI