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A machine of the alteration of motion segment integrity - Evident Health

When you’re representing a client with severe, painful, yet difficult-to-diagnose spinal injuries, you know that getting them the help they need boils down to evidence. The defense won’t let go of money to cover damages unless you can provide some concrete, medically accepted proof of their injuries.

In the jarring aftermath of a car accident, many patients struggle with Alteration Of Motion Segment Integrity (AOMSI), a painful condition that can impact your client’s strength, mobility, pain levels, and quality of life.

A difficult step for many lawyers is getting concrete proof of injuries that elude traditional imaging tools. When you need a level of precision and certainty that X-rays simply can’t offer, reach out to Dr. Jonathon Pinnow of Evident Health.

Unrivaled Medical Technology For Your Toughest Cases

As medical technology advances, your options for helping injured clients should advance, too. Sadly, many personal injury lawyers struggle to find adequate diagnostic help for their clients, especially when verifying an injury through traditional means proves difficult.

Your client knows they are in pain, and you believe that they’re in pain, but the defense needs evidence that passes the Daubert Standards and will hold up in court.

Enter Vertebral Motion Analysis (VMA). A dynamic, real-time, detailed picture of the motion and interconnectedness of your client’s spine, ligaments, and mobility. This novel, medically recognized technology gives doctors the precise, fluid picture of spinal health that they need to understand not only what is damaged but how that damage impacts mobility.

For years, Dr. Jonathon Pinnow has guided attorneys and their clients through VMA imaging with care and professionalism, allowing lawyers to finally secure the detailed, pointed proof of bodily damage they need.

How Can VMA Diagnose AOMSI?

What do we mean by AOMSI, and how might this condition impact your client? Alteration Of Motion Segment Integrity means that spinal support ligaments have been damaged and weakened, leading to excessive levels of spinal instability and a range of motion for the spine that is unsafe.

This ligamental damage is often seen after the traumatic impact of a car accident, and results in a range of motion 3.5 millimeters or more beyond what is expected. However, detecting this ligamental damage with an X-ray or even an MRI can prove difficult.

A man and woman stand beside a machine, discussing the alteration of motion segment integrity - Evident Health

VMA imaging, however, provides precision measurements of spinal motion of up to 0.5 millimeters, making excessive spinal mobility readily apparent. An AOMSI diagnosis can be that last piece of elusive information needed to prove injury, trauma, and the impact on your client’s health and life.

VMA imaging is FDA-approved and offers a level of precision and clarity that is revolutionizing both chiropractic health and the medical side of personal injury cases.

Evident Health, Your Source For VMA Imaging

When you need precise, AMA-recognized evidence of an injury for your most difficult cases, reach out to Evident Health. A premier imaging and diagnostic center, we’ve been used by personal injury attorneys, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the area and across the country for 10 years.

Your clients need results, and the longer you wait for diagnostic help, the higher their bills and worries can pile up. Give your clients the medical, diagnostic, and legal help they need to heal, cover expenses, and move forward with the dignity and damages they’re entitled to.

Reach Out To Evident Health Today!

When you need precise, objective, and impactful diagnostic help with Alteration Of Motion Segment Integrity, reach out to Dr. Jonathon Pinnow of Evident Health.

Since 2012, he’s helped attorneys and their patients get the quality, game-changing evidence of injuries needed to win cases, get justice, and secure the damages that clients and their families really need.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with Evident Health’s Dr. Jonathon Pinnow at (608) 560-0799 today.

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